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- Notes 2ª Avaluació:
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- Notes 3ª Avaluació:
- Ja podeu consultar les notes finals de la 3ª avaluació i la nota final del curs!
Tuesday, 15th June 2021
Thursday, 10th June 2021
No farem classe per absència de la professora. Ens veiem el proper dimarts 15 per donar les notes i acomiadar-nos.
Tuesday, 8th June 2021
Vocabulary Review: Units
- 5B: Describing a town or city
- 6A: Opposite verbs
- 7B: Verbs + infinitive to and verbs + -ing
Tuesday, 1st - Thursday 3rd June 2021
- We are going to watch this film:
Thursday, 27th May 2021
Final exam
- Comprensió oral
- Comprensió escrita
Tuesday, 25th May 2021
Final exam
- Expressió i interacció oral
- Expressió i interacció escrita
Tuesday, 18th - Thursday 20th May 2021
- Reading Test
- En la classe d'avui després del READING TEST i en la propera (20/05) aprofitarem per conéixer i familiaritzar-nos amb el model d'examen d'ANGLÈS 3, que com ja sabeu tindrà lloc la propera setmana (25 i 27/05).
- Us deixe el link a les proves d'anys anteriors que us poden servir de referència per practicar.Feu click AQUÍ
Thursday, 13th May 2021
- 9B: Fearof.net
- In groups
- What are you afraid of?
- Read some information from fearof.net, a website about phobias.
- Complete each phobia with the correct heading from the list.
- Now read some comments posted on the website.
- Match comments to fears.
- Look at the highlighted words in the phobias and match them to the definitions.
- Listen to the interviews with 2 women about their phobias.
- Answer the questions.
- GRAMMAR: present perfect; phrases with for and since
- Look at the extract from the first interview
- Answer the questions.
- p.228-229: Grammar Bank 9B
- Complete the gaps with for or since
- Listen, check and repeat the phrases.
- Look at the questions. Which two tenses do you need to use in the gaps? What are the missing words in the each question?
- Listen and check.
- Move around the class and ask other students the questions. Note down their answers in the chart.
Tuesday, 11th May 2021
- 9A: BEWARE OF THE DOG (p.128-129)
- GRAMMAR: if + past, would + infinitive
- p.228: Grammar Bank 9A
- Worksheet
- Work in groups of three.
- 1. A: p.191, B: p.196, C: p.193: Would you know what to do?
- After reading the quiz on p.129 and circling your answer (a, b or c) read the answers to one section and tell the others.
- 2. p.129: ex. 5: Take turns to choose a question and ask others in the group. Use the sentences in the box.
- 3. Communicative activity: I think you'd...
- Try to guess what your partner would do in different situations.
- There is a very interesting documentary on Netflix about animals and their colours called "Life in Colour with David Attenborough." You can watch the trailer here:
Thursday, 6th May 2021
- 9A: BEWARE OF THE DOG (p.128-129)
- VOCABULARY: animals and insects
- Listen. Which animals can you hear?
- p.247: Vocabulary Bank 9A: Animals
- Look at the animal words and underline the stressed syllable.
- Listen and check.
- Are any of these words similar in your own language? Is the stress in the same place?
- In pairs, ask and answer questions.
- Look at the pictures of the five most dangerous animals or insects in the UK.
- Which do you think is the most and least dangerous?
- Listen and check.
- Complete 5th to 1st in the chart with the names of the animals or insects.
- Listen again and complete the facts about the animals or insects with one or two words in each gap.
- Read the quiz questions and answers.
- Complete each question with an animal or insect from the list.
- Look at the highlighted verbs and verb phrases.
- With a partner, try to guess their meaning from the context.
- p.128: ex. 2b: Escolteu l'exercici 2 (LISTENING 9.4.) de nou i llegiu la transcripció per extreure vocabulari nou i entendre bé tot el text.
- p.129: ex. 3abc: Rellegiu el test i encercleu la vostra resposta.
- p.128-129, p.247: Reviseu el vocabulari sobre els animals.
Tuesday, 4th May 2021
- GRAMMAR: possessive pronouns
- GRAMMAR BANK 8C (p.226) --> Note the difference between possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns.
- Do activities a&b.
- PRONUNCIATION: reading aloud
- Listen to the whole story and the last four lines of Part 2 together.
- Listen and repeat the names of the story. Practise reading aloud with a partner. Use the adverbs to help you, and remember to pause at commas.
- Record yourselves and send the file to cfaaranangles@gmail.com or upload it to you folder on Google Drive.
- Look at Part 2 of the story and underline 6 adverbs which describe how Vivienne and Hartley are behaving, speaking or feeling.
- Make adverbs from the adjectives.
- Listen to some lines from stories. Add an adverb after "said" to show how the person is speaking.
- Write a short final scene between Hartley and Héloise. Include at least two adverbs of manner after "said".
- Revise & check (p.120-121)
Thursday, 29th April 2021
- PRONUNCIATION: homophones
Homophones are words with different spellings, but the same pronunciation.
Look at some examples:
wear / where
know / no
meet / meat
weight / wait
write / right
one / won
see / sea
war / wore
Do you know what they mean?
- Listen to the pairs of sentences, and complete sentence b with a homophone of the bold word.
- Listen and write four sentences. Then practise saying then.
- Look at the photos on this page. In what century does the story take place?
- In groups:
- Read and listen to PART 1.
- Answer the questions with a partner (ex.:1b).
- Think about the story so far: Why do you think Vivienne didn't answer Hartley's letter?
- Read and listen to PART 2.
- Answer the questions with a partner (ex.:1c).
- Think about the story so far: Who do you think Héloise is?
- Now work with a partner in the other group. Explain to him or her your part. Then change roles.
- Close your books and watch Parts 1&2.
- Watch Part 3 and answer the questions.
- Think about the story so far: Who do you think the lady on the stairs is?
- Watch to Part 4: the end of the story.
- If you want to learn more with Friends, watch the whole video!
Tuesday, 27th April 2021
Let's review the first conditional here!
- 8B: Murphy's law (p.116)
- We're going to listen to two stories, which are examples of Murphy's law:
- ex. 1a: First listen to six extracts and circle the words and phrases that you hear.
- ex. 1c: Mark the sentences true or false.
- p.246: VOCABULARY BANK: confusing verbs
- Match the verbs and the photos
- Listen and check
- Try to memorize as many verbs as possible
- p.117: ex.4c:
- Choose the correct verb.
- Ask and answer questions with a partner.
- Play mimics!
- Homework
- Online activities 8B
Thursday, 22nd April 2021
- 8A: Should I stay or should I go? (p.115)
- ex. 4abdef
- Listen to three people talking about their problems.
- What do you think is the best advice? Choose one.
- p.245: Vocabulary Bank
- Match the phrases and pictures.
- Cover the pictures and test yourself.
- Choose one of the questions in 5c and answer them using the verb get.
- 8B: Murphy's law (p.116)
- Watch this video.
- Read the first two paragraphs of the article.
- Look at 8 examples of Murphy's law and match them to the sentences.
- Look at the laws again.
- Grammar Bank: 8A (p.226) --> Review first conditional: if + present, will / won't + infinitive
- p.124: ex. 1abc
- In pairs, complete the examples of Murphy's law.
Tuesday, 20th April 2021
- 7C: Could you pass the test? (p.102-103)
- WRITING: A formal email: realitzarem a classe l'activitat de Writing que heu preparat a casa. Es proporcionarà el material necessari per dur a terme la redacció, per tant no es podrà consultar cap material propi.
- 8A: Should I stay or should I go? (p.114-115)
- Read a problem that was sent to TV chat show host Graham Norton.
- Read three pieces of advice.
- Listen to Tracey reading Graham's advice.
- GRAMMAR: should
- Look at the sentences and answer the questions 1-3.
- Read the messages.
- Write a short answer to one of the messages.
- p.103: ex.5a. (Listen to check your answers here.)
- Online activities 7C
Thursday, 15th April 2021
- 7B: Happiness is... (p.100-101)
- Work in pairs and tell your partner. Say why. Then swap roles.
- 7C: Could you pass the test? (p.102-103)
- Talk in small groups.
- Read the topic sentences in ex. 2b.
- Read an article about a language learning experiment.
- Complete each paragraph with a topic sentence, A-F.
- WORKSHEET: Mark the sentences T or F.
- GRAMMAR: have to, don't have to, must, mustn't
- Listen to Max talking about the tests and complete the gaps.
- Look at the highlighted phrases. What do they mean? (ex. 3bc)
- Grammar Bank 7C: p.103
- p.104: ex. a&b
- WORKSHEET: Mark the sentences T or F. Correct the F sentences.
- WORKSHEET: How well do you think you could do Max's four tests in English?
- El proper dimarts 20 d'abril, farem una activitat de Writing a classe que puntuarà per a la vostra nota trimestral de l'avaluació contínua. Es tracta de redactar un email formal per demanar informació.
- Convé que prepareu la redacció a casa per poder obtenir un millor resultat.
- Per preparar la redacció aconsellem:
- Realitzar les activitats 5abc de la pàgina 203.
- Amb les vostres pròpies paraules i seguint les indicacions i l'exemple de l'exercici 5a, redacteu el mail a casa per disposar del vocabulari i les estructures. D'aquesta manera, podreu escriure el mail amb més facilitat.
La utilització d’eines informàtiques per traduir frases completes i memoritzar-les
abans de la prova no és el millor recurs ni la millor manera per aprendre la
llengua estrangera. Sovint el resultat serà un text amb estructures complexes
traduïdes literalment de la llengua materna que no es corresponen amb el
vostre nivell i, per tant, no s’avaluaran. |
Tuesday, 13th April 2021
- 7B: Happiness is... (p.100-101)
- VOCABULARY: Verb forms (Part 2)
- Read about "Happiness is..."
- Tick the posts you most agree with.
- Compare with a partner.
- p.244: Vocabulary Bank: Verb forms (Part 2)
- Complete the gerund column with a verb from the list.
- Listen and check.
- GRAMMAR: verbs + gerund; uses of the gerund
- Look at the cartoons again and find an example of a gerund (verb + -ing)
- Dictation (7.7.)
- p.224: Grammar Bank
- ex.7Bab
- Listen to part of a radio money programme about the Bank of Happiness in Tallinn (Estonia).
- How does the bank work?
- Listen again and choose a, b, c
- Extra Material:
- Pocket Book Unit 7
- Try, stop, remember and forget are verbs that you can use either with gerund or infinitive, but they have different meanings. Watch this video:
- Homework:
- Online activities: 7B
- Listen to the radio programme about the Bank of Happiness again.
- If you don't understand, read the transcription on p.209 (7.8)
- Choose a, b, c.
- Then check your answers here.
- SPEAKING (p.101: ex.4a)
- Choose 5 things from the list to talk about and prepare some sentences to talk about the chosen topics.
Thursday, 7th April 2021
- 7A: First day nerves
- PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING: weak form of to, linking
- Listen to three sentences. Is "to" stressed?
- Listen and complete questions 1-10 with three or four words.
- p.190-196: How to survive...
- Read and re-tell two more "How to survive..." articles.
- p.99: ex. 4c
- Work in pairs. A ask B the first five questions. Give as much information as you can. Swap roles for the last 5 questions.
- In pairs, write a "How to survive..." article.
- Choose one situation (i.e.: a job interview, a party where you don't know anyone, a family holiday, a meeting with your partner's parents for the first time, etc.).
- Try to think of at least four tips.
- Organize your tips in a logical order.
- Start each one with an imperative, then explain why.
Tuesday, 6th April 2021
- 7A: First day nerves
- Think of two important tips you could give somebody who is starting a new office job tomorrow.
- Read the article.
- Read Top tips A-G.
- Put them in the correct place.
- Listen to Simon and Claire describing their first day at work. Note down:
- The problems that they had.
- An advice from the article in 1.
- Answer with S (Simon), C (Claire) or B (both of them).
- VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR: verbs + infinitive, uses of the infinitive with to
- Complete the missing verbs from the article.
- p.244: Vocabulary bank: Verb forms.
- Complete the verb to + a verb from the list.
- Match sentences a-c to rules 1-3.
- p.224: Grammar bank 7A: uses of the infinitive with to
- Online activities 7A
Thursday, 25th March 2021
- Exam revision
- Robin Hood (Chapters 6-7: p.28-39)
- Listen and read out.
- Answer the questions on p.74
Tuesday, 23rd March 2021
- GRAMMAR: review of verb forms
- Look at the sentences and mark them
- PP (Present perfect)
- P (Past)
- PR (Present)
- p.222: Grammar bank 6C
- Play Kahoot!
- SPEAKING: Communication: Revision questionnaire (p.190, p.197)
- VOCABULARY: Modifiers
- ex.4abc
- Complete the chart
- Listen and check
- Complete the sentences with a noun or verb + -ing and is or are.
- PRONUNCIATION: the letters ea
- ex. 5abc
- Put the words in the correct column.
- Listen and check.
- Listen and write 4 sentences.
- Practise saying them.
- VIDEO LISTENING: What do our dreams really mean?
- ex. 6ab
- Watch the film.
- Complete the meaning of each dream.
Thursday, 18th March 2021
- 6B: I'LL ALWAYS LOVE YOU (p.88-89)
- PRONUNCIATION: word-stress: two-syllable words
- Look at the verbs. Which syllable are they stressed on?
- Listen to the sentences and check.
- Repeat the verbs.
- Complete the sentences in your own words.
- Read them to your partner.
- VOCABULARY: verb + back
- What's the difference?
- Complete with a verb from the list.
- Ask and answer in groups. Give examples or reasons.
- Examples:
- For example...
- For instance...
- Reasons
- I usually... because...
- It depends. When ..., I usually...
- In pairs, ask and answer questions.
- Listen to a psychoanalist talking to a patient about his dreams.
- Number the pictures in the correct order.
- Listen again and complete the gaps.
- Match five of the patient's dream to the interpretation.
- Compare them with your partner's.
- Listen to the doctor:
- Interpreting the patient's dream and check your answers.
Tuesday, 16th March 2021
- 6B: I'LL ALWAYS LOVE YOU (p.86-87)
- Look at the photos. How old are they?
- Complete the text with the time expressions.
- Answer the questions
- Now listen to part of a news programme about Steve and Carmen and answer the questions.
- With your partner:
- Why do you think Carmen's mother didn't send the letter?
- Do you think "I'll never orget you" is a promise people usually keep to break?
- GRAMMAR: will / won't / shall
- Read the sentences and write them in speech bubbles A-F.
- Decide if they are:
- Offering to do something
- Deciding to do something
- Promising to do something
- p.222: Grammar Bank 6Bab
- Two offers to make to a classmate
- Two promises to your teacher
- Two decisions about what to do this evening.
Thursday, 11th March 2021
- 2nd Term Exams:
- Reading
- Listening
- Writing
Tuesday, 9th March 2021
- 2nd Term Exams:
- Grammar & Vocabulary
- Speaking
Thursday, 4th March 2021
Review Units 4-6
Check the answers --> here
Tuesday, 2nd March 2021
- Listen and repeat the words and phrases
- Listen and write six sentences.
- Communication (p.190-195): You're a pessimist! Make predictions.
- LISTENING: (ex.4abc)
- Listen to a radio programme.
- READING: Why negative thinking can be positive
- Look at the cartoon and read the article in pairs.
- After reading the test: What is "defensive pessimism"? Try to explain it in your own words. This picture might help.
- Learn the difference between "wrong" and "go wrong"
- Look at the things a defensive pessimist thinks about catching a flight.With your partner, make a list of things that he can do to avoid these problems.
- With your partner, ask and answer questions. Use a phrase from the box and say why.
- Online exercises 6A
Thursday, 25th February 2021
- 5C: HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? (p.72-73)
- SPEAKING: ex.4c
- Listen to 5 sentences and questions
- Write down the main verb in each sentence.
- What are the opposite verbs?
- GRAMMAR: will / won't predictions
- Read the conversations.
- Label the responeses for optimist or pessimist.
- Listen and check
- Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Explain why / give some exemples.
- p.222: Grammar bank 6Aab
Tuesday, 23rd February 2021
- 5C: HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? (p.72-73)
- Answer the questions with a partner.
- Listen to a nutritionist talking about what kind of liquids we should drink.
- Write the drinks from the list in the correct place on the jug.
- Read the article "Are they really good or bad"?
- Match the highlighted medical words to the pictures.
- Listen and check. Practise saying the words.
- Decide which drink have more advantages than disadvantages or more disadvantages than advantages
- GRAMMAR: quantifiers, too, (not) enough
- Are the words in the list countable or uncountable?
- Circle the correct word or phrase for each sentence.
- Find a word or phrase which means...1. the right amount, 2. more than you need.
- p.220: Grammar bank 5Cab
Thursday, 18th February 2021
- 5B: Twelve lost wallets (p.70-71)
- Read about a recent experiment.
- Cover the text and explain it in your own words.
- Which city do you think was the least/most honest?
- Listen to the reporter talking about the results of the experiment. Rank the 9 cities.
- Listen again and answer the questions.
- PRONUNCIATION: sentence stress
- Listen and complete the questions with a superlative adjective.
- Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions.
- Robin Hood:
- Listen to Chapters 4&5
- Correct the answers to the questions.
Tuesday, 16th February 2021
- Play Kahoot to review the comparative adjectives!
- 5B: Twelve lost wallets (p.70-71)
- P.242: Vocabulary bank: Describing a town or city
- GRAMMAR (superlatives + ever +present perfect)
- Which countries are the cities in?
- Try to guess which cities were the winners in the different categories.
- How do you make the superlative of...?
- 1. a one-syllable adjective
- 2. a two-syllable adjective that ends in consonant +y
- 3. a three-syllable adjective
- 4. good
- p.220: Grammar bank 5B:ab
- Homework:
- p.220: exercise 5Bb
- (25/02/2020) Write about your town or city. Use the vocabulary on p.242. Answer the following questions:
- What's your city?
- Where is it?
- How big is it?
- What's it like?
- What is there to see?
Thursday, 10th February 2021
- 5A: I want it NOW! (p.68-69)
- Review: Types of numbers
- Grammar: comparative adjectives and adverbs, as...as
- p.69:ex.3 abcd
- p.220: Grammar Bank 5A (ex.ab)
- Listening & Speaking:
- p.69: ex. 4abc
- Robin Hood:
- Listen to Chapters 4&5
Tuesday, 8th February 2021
- Com que el proper dimarts 8 no farem classe, podeu fer les següents activitats:
- Robin Hood:
- Read chapters 4&5
- Look for new vocabulary
- Learn it
- Answer the questions on p.74
- Revise & Check (Units 3-4): p.60-61
- Grammar & Vocabulary: Continue doing activities online at English File Online.
Thursday, 4th February 2021
- 4C: GREAT WEEKEND (p.58-59)
- Look at the questions and plan your answers. Invent one answer.
- Work with your partner and interview each other. Try to guess which answer was invented.
- 5A: I want it NOW!
- In pairs, ask and answer questions. Answer with often, sometimes or never.
- p.195: How fast is your life? Calculate your partner's score and calculate yours.
- Read the article "I want it, and I want it now!"
- VOCABULARY: types of numbers (2)
- How do you say the numbers in the infographic?
- Listen and check.
- How do you say the numbers and dates in ex. 2d?
- Listen and check.
- Listen and write the numbers.
- Answer the questions in your notebook.
- Robin Hood: Chapter 3 (p.17-19)
Tuesday, 2nd February 2021
- 4C: GREAT WEEKEND (p.58-59)
- READING (1):
- Read four tweets about weekends.
- Read the article Boring Weekend
- Correct the wrong information
- Talk to a partner about your weekends.
- Adjectives ending -ed / -ing
- Ask and answer questions with a partner.
- GRAMMAR (3):
- p.218: Grammar Bank
- 4Cabc
- p.67: 2ab
- Watch the documentary The history of the weekend.
- Mark the sentences True or False.
- Look at the questions and plan your answers. Invent one answer.
Thursday, 28th January 2021
- p.56: 2abcd
- GRAMMAR: present perfect or past simple?
- p.56: 3abcd
- Grammar bank 4B: p.218
- In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
- p.57: 4ab
- READING: The story of the ice cream sellers
- p.57: 5acdef
Thursday, 21st January 2021
- p.56: 1a
- p.241: Vocabulary Bank
- Robin Hood: Chapter 2: How Robin Hood became an outlaw
- Robin Hood: Learn the vocabulary from Chapter 2. Farem un xicotet test el proper dijous 21!
Tuesday, 19th January 2021
- COMMUNICATION: Has he done it yet?
- p.190: Say what Max has already done or hasn't done yet.
- p.55: 4abcde
- The Lazy Person's Guide
- Do you have any other tips?
- p.55: Listen to the video blog again and answer the question in 5d.
- Do the online exercises 4A
Thursday, 14th January 2021
- p.54: 1abc
- VOCABULARY: housework, make or do?
- p.240: Vocabulary Bank
- p.54: Answer the questions in pairs.
- GRAMMAR: Present perfect + yet, just, already
- p.54: 3abc
- p.218: Grammar Bank 4A
- p.219: 4A ab
Tuesday, 12th January 2021
- REVIEW: paraphrasing
- p.43: ex. 3bcd
- p.43: 4abcde
Silent e e
at the end of a Word is normally not pronounced, but it usually changes the sound of the vowel before
it. When a word ends in silent e, the preceding vowel sound is usually the same as that letter of the alphabet. sit
– site fat
– fate bit
– bite cut
– cute not - note plan
– plane mad
– made pet
– Pete win
– wine |
- p.189-195: Split crossword. Ask your partner for definitions to complete your crossword.
Thursday, 17th December 2020
A Christmas Carol
- Watch the first Chapter of the TV series "A Christmas Carol"
- Click here to download the worksheet and do the activities.
Tuesday, 15th December 2020
3C: Word games
- LISTENING (p.42: 1d)
- Listen to the definitions and when you hear a "ping", write the word.
- In pairs: Make an arrangement
- GRAMMAR: defining relative clauses
- who, with, where
- VOCABULARY: paraphrasing (p.43: ex. 3bcde)
- Complete the useful expressions for explaining a word that you don't know.
- Complete the definition of the words.
- Play A-Z in teams.
Thursday, 10th December 2020
3B: Put it in your calendar! (p.40-41)
- Listen and repeat the conversation
- In pairs: Make an arrangement
- WRITING (p,201): Write an informal email about travel arrangements.
- Read Sally's email and answer the questions.
- Complete it with the informal phrases from the list.
- Write your reply in 3 paragraphs:
- Thank Sally for the email.
- Say when you're arriving
- Answer her other questions
- Check your email for mistakes
- Read the text
- Play the game! Listen to the definitions and write the word.
Thursday, 3rd December 2020
3B: Put it in your calendar! (p.40)
- Test: How organized are you? Calculate the score and read the results.
- VOCABULARY AND PRONUNCIATION (verbs + prepositions)
- p.239: Vocabulary Bank
- Dictation: p.40: ex.2c
- LISTENING (ex.3abc):
- Listen and complete the calendar with the appointments from the list
- GRAMMAR: present continuous for future arrangements
- Grammar Bank p.216
Tuesday, 1st December 2020
Començarem a llegir el llibre "Robin Hood" a classe. Si us plau, no s'oblideu de portar-lo.
- All together
- Read the introduction
- Listen and read chapter 1: Robin of Locksley
- Read it out loud (Pay attention to pronunciation!)
- Individually
- Look for the vocabulary
- Draw a concept map.
- Answer the question on p.73
- Summarize the chapter in 50 words.
Tuesday, 24th and Thursday, 26th November 2020
1rst Evaluation Exam (UNITS 1-3)
Tuesday, 18th November 2020
- 3A TripAside (p.39)
- Listen to a traveller metting his guide at an airport and mart the sentences True or False.
- Be going to (plans and predictions)
- p.39: 4ab
- p.216: Grammar bank, ex. 3A
- p.189-195: Ask each other about your plans.
Thursday, 12th November 2020
- 3A TripAside (p.38)
- VOCABULARY: airports
- Match the airport signs with the phrases.
- PRONUNCIATION: the letter g
- Put the words from the list in the correct row.
- READING & LISTENING: No more boring stopovers
- Read the article about TirpAside and complete with the missing sentences.
Tuesday, 10th November 2020
- If you choose the happy ending, answer the questions in p.189. If you choose the sad ending, answer the questions in p.195.
- Learn the phrases from the story.
- In pairs, re-tell the story Try to use connectors and the verb phrases.
- Revise and Check 1&2: p.30-31
- READING: CAN YOU understand this text?
- LISTENING: CAN YOU understand these people?
Thursday, 6th November 2020
- One dark October evening. Read the story.
- Time sequencers and connectors
- p.29: ex. 1cdf
- Word stress: underline the stressed syllable
- VIDEO LISTENING: There are two different endings to the story.
Tuesday, 3rd November 2020
- Talk about your favourite photo.
- Find some language you can use
- COMMUNICATION (p.189, 195)
- Answer the questions with a preposition and a time or place
- GRAMMAR: past continuous
- p.27: ex.3ab
- Are was and were stressed or unstressed?
- Anja talks about her Instagram pictures.
Thursday, 29th October 2020
- Read the article and answer the questions (p.26, ex. 1abc)
- VOCABULARY: prepositions of time: at, in, on (p.239)
Tuesday, 27th October 2020
2A: OMG! Where is my passport! (p.25)
- Holidays (p.238)
- Phrases with go.
- Other holidays phrases
- Adjectives to talk about the weather, the hotel, the town, the people.
- p.238: Talk to a partner.
- Which do you prefer an why? (I prefer + ing, because...)
- Useful language for showing interest
- Talk about your last holiday
- Show interest in what your partner says!
Thursday, 22nd October 2020
- Have a look at the calendar!
- Do you have questions about the speaking task?
- Past Simple: regular and irregular verbs
- Mark the verbs in Past Simple in the text.
- p.25: 2abc
- Find out the rule and complete the chart.
- p.25: 3
- Holidays (p.238)
Tuesday, 20th October 2020
- 2A: OMG Where's my passport?
- Read the text
- Note down the vocabulary
- p.24, ex. 1cde
- SPEAKING: Have you ever lost anything important on holiday? What was it? What happened? Your story must answer the following questions:
Thursday, 15th October 2020
- 1C: The remake project
- Vermeer and the milkmaid: p.13: ex: 4c.
- Prepositions of place (p.13: ex. 5)
- Describe and compare these paintings with the remakes.
- DEBERES EVALUABLES SPEAKING (para el 29/10): Haz tu propio remake sobre una obra que te guste o busca uno ya hecho. Preséntalo en la clase (3-5min). Para ello contesta las siguientes preguntas usando los recursos de la tabla:
Tuesday, 13th October 2020
- 1C: The remake project
- Clothes (p.237)
- a pair of socks
- to wear, to dress, to carry
- Present simple vs. Present continuous
- He / She's wearing (in this moment)
- He / She wears... (usually)
- Homework
- p.20-21
Thursday, 8th October 2020
Recordeu que és festiu a Viella i no farem classe.
Tuesday, 6th October 2020
- Present simple
- Final -s and -es
- A date for Clint (p.188 and p.194). Ask questions about Tessa and Maggie. Who do you think is a better date for Clint?
- We listen to a journalist talking about a dating experiment.
- Complete the form and give your partner information about a single person you know well.
- 1. Complete the form in page 11 ex. 5a with information about you.
- 2. Write a short description about you (60-80 words). You can upload your description here
Thursday, 1st October 2020
Recordeu que no hi ha classe per absència de la professora.
Tuesday, 29th September 2020
- 1A: Grammar: Do you... (Present) /Did you... (Past)
- p.9: ex. 2c
- Communication Alphabet Quiz (p.188, p.194): Ask and answer the questions.
- Play again here.
- 1B: the perfect date?
- Make a vocabulary list. En el link podeu afegir les paraules del text que vam treballar a classe, per fer dues llistes col.laboratives.
- Una amb vocabulari desconegut
- L'altra amb adjectius per descriure persones.
- Check the adjectives to describe people: p.236
- Homework: p.16, 17, 18
Thursday, 24th September 2020
We review basic questions!
- General questions (w-questions):
- "Where do you come from?"
- "What is your favourite meal?"
- Yes / No questions:
- "Are you tall / old / blond /married?"
- "Do you have children?"
- p.8-9: exercise 1a, 2a
- Speaking
Interview another student and complete the form. Tell the rest of the class about your classmate.
- Grammar (p.8-9)
- Present simple and Past simple
- W-Questions and Yes / No questions.
- Who am I?
- A student chooses the name of a famous person / a celebrity. The rest of the students ask "yes or no" questions to find out who he or she is. For example: Are you a cartoon?Are you a girl?Are you dead?Were you in a movie?
Tuesday, 22nd September 2020
- We introduce ourselves
- My life in 10 sentences
- Find someone who: Bingo!
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